That's the one thing I love about my commute. Expensive (although cheaper now than in the past, for sure...)gas and random scary-clunking-noises-while-turning-left aside I love that I get some time to think. It seems thats what was missing in the last tornadoesque two weeks of life, my time with my thoughts. I budgeted a shower into my morning time today, but had to let that go because the babe tube was not emptied and I was going to have to stand in nasty water OR plunge the tub (awesome choice to make at 4:45am, ugh!) and was planning to think in the shower, on just one or two of my pressing life desicions of the week...SO much for that. I was really pretty bummed, honestly. I threw on some clothes, found a hair tie, and grabbed my stuff.
Out the door, into the car, I was still like, ugh...THEN I realized I sit in the car, 4 out of 5 days, and drive the 30 miles to and from school...Why not think then?
Now, No. This is not the FIRST time I thought on this. I mean I am always thinking, overthinking, everything. But this week I had a handful of actual desicions to make and wanted to really think on them. So I decided bam, that's gonna be my time.
It worked. I only got halfway through my thoughts on the way there, but picked up on the way home. About the buffalo road exit on the way back clarity hit me like a ton of bricks. I actually shrieked.
So today, I love my commute.