I guess it's time for my quarterly blog post....I'd really like to say, I admire the women I know that can keep up with blogging...Wow...I just...well...can't seem to make it a habit...
So, almost done with another semester of Pharm school! Yay! After tomorrow I will be DONE with pharmacology! One more semester, then it's on to rotations, where my learning can begin....
I'm really excited about my rotations. I've been nervous about getting sites that were over 100 miles away, or really not of my interest, since, well, P1 year. I think that my selection went just fine. The way my school does rotations is weird. We end up with way more than the required number of hours, and although it IS more work, at least it's the sort of work I can learn from. I am fortunate enough to have scored rotations that each satisfy some sort of selfish desire of mine but will also give me a challenge and a really well rounded experience, which is good, cause I've been bored out of my miiiind...
Working has helped a little, I say a little, cause there's really not much happening at my pharmacy in the evenings, just seemingly longer hold times for the occasional ins company call, and housekeeping duties, not really much to challenge my inner pharmacist. I'm excited to be working a couple day shifts over break, and to be able to work during the summer, since I got block 1 off of APPEs. Hopefully this will give me enough intern hours to take part 3 of my boards early, one less thing to worry about...
I've been keeping up my motivation by doing some research, mainly trying to find that perfect residency. I think I finally may have. I am still 100% torn, at this point it is so tempting to just take my job and move on with working, but at the same time I still feel like I want just a little more education, perspective, experience. Maybe APPEs will help me get over it...
Anyways, just making sure my blog doesn't get deleted. Who knows, maybe I will have some time to keep this up over break? It hasn't worked yet...but, maybe?