Organizing these thoughts...

Playing, parenting, work, randomness....

Saturday, August 29, 2009

One week down

Well, that was work. I still don't even know what happened with the last week of my life....

My classes are long and my books are heavy. One of our texts is literally heavier than my almost 3 month old kiddo. Insane! Reading through that is my next task.

Amongst all the chaos, I didn't even get to put away the veggies from last week. Or cook anything. Or stretch, or swim. Needless to say, about now, I'm stressed and sore....Only about 15 more weeks to go then a small break!!

All in all, it's not too bad. I'm bummed that the courses I will likely do best in are pass fail, so I have no gpa buffer. I'm bummed that the professor that makes me really uneasy, which by the way is pretty hard to do, is teaching the bulk of our therapeutics course. I'm bummed that all I got to do at my rotation site was make a pile of Dr calls. I'm bummed that I still don't have a sitter for my wee tyke once school starts up again. But that's just it. Each one of these has a positive too....No gpa buffer means I really have to try, that's good for me. Motivating. Spending QT with my least fav prof, that's good for me too, builds character. Making loads of Dr calls, well, at least I'll get good at that! Not having a sitter, havent found the plus there yet, but that is the one obstacle I can likely resolve. I hope.

Goals for this weekend: Take care of last weeks loose ends, and get organized. And find a sitter I can afford, or at least some new leads. Eat more veggies (that's gotta be part of why I feel so blah), stretch, and take the girls swimming.
Today, I'm cleaning the fridge and counters, and starting over in the kitchen. Looks like some of my veggies will make it, and we are heading out soon to pick up new ones, which will get cleaned and go right in the fridge. Then reading and typing notes, some coffee, kiddo and nap time, then hanging out with some good friends because it's gonna be a rough semester! And do some laundry, because I need to take good care of my 5 day rotating wardrobe. Maybe, If I get enough work done, a trip to the outlets can be in order? Or at the least Pennys. Call me old, but I like their dress pants. Cheaper than target too.
Enough of the computer...on with the day :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Trying this again...

Well, I tried to set up a blog a few months ago, and after a couple posts forgot my password. I also discovered that using this site is about the only way to get my pics off my cell phone, since I bought some unlocked euro version of a sony ericcson, and the email set up never quite worked. So here's to starting over....

Basically, I do a lot of things. I am a P2 student in pharmacy school, a mom to two adorable girls one 6, the other allllmost 3 months, also a wife, and a landlord. It's safe to say, things are pretty crazy around here. But, it works. Well, I try to make it work. Balancing it all is REALLY hard, I have an insane amount of support....We also have a very limited budget, and I have lots of big ideas, so that makes it all the more fun.

I'm guessing anyone that's gonna look at this knows all of this already, but being redundant is kinda a hobby of mine.

Needless to say, I have lots to say about lots, and I think free, easy to access blogs make my husbands earfull a lot less.

So here will be, tips on how to do just about anything cheaply, making things, surviving pharmacy school and motherhood, and having a blast while doing it all. And, likely more than the occassional whhhaaattt was I thinking rant for those overwhelming, not so balanced days :)