Organizing these thoughts...

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

ANOTHER oil rig blast? For reals?


No, really? I mean, isn't the last one still causing issues? And the one before that? What part of maybe this isn't a good idea and we need a new solution isn't clear? If little overwhelmed me can get it....I just...I just don't understand...

Just saying. I can handle my own personal quarter-life crisis, but this is getting out of hand. No. Wait. This has BEEN out of hand.

Are we ready to resolve this as a group yet? Cause I'm getting sick of this. I'm already sick of a lot of things happening in the news lately. I try to keep it at bay, off of the FB, out of the twitter feed. But for freaking reals, already.

Health care crisis? Poverty out of hand. World hunger. Poorly distributed resources, worldwide. Racism? Islamophobia? Sexism? But keep infringing on religious freedom? Oil everywhere?

I am pretty dramatic, I know, but isn't it about time we start really making the effort here? I have been trying, in my own, small, ways. I am incorporating small changes, to work on all these things, in my community. I'm receptive to feedback. I can do more. But I can't do it all.

Something about lots of little changes going a long way? How many people are there in NY? In the US? How many people aren't making their tiny changes? Are here just for the party? Ugh.

Anyways. See ya later soapbox. Just had to get that off my chest.

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