So, it's September 25th! What! I have NO IDEA where this month has gone. For reals.
No doubt about it...School's in full swing. SOAP notes underway, Pro-con debate is done (Oh yeah team awesome! Link to commentary on debate at Ginger's blog (http://gingerforhealthbenefits.blogspot.com/) exciting things happening in virtually all my friend's lives..babies, houses, new jobs, phew. For us, new dog (Bender, above), new old cars, and, it's fall.
So busy yes, happy yes, excited about the rest of fall, mega yes. Pumped that this is the last year in classrooms toomanyhoursaweek? Ultra mega yes.
Still on the tiny house hunt, and spreading tiny house fever. Looked at a few campers in the last month or so, but going with the idea of re-vamping an old pop up starting in the spring. I've been encouraged to find some folks that have pulled off the tiny house thing with kids and whatnot, although I think we are pretty content just using it for road trips and visits, rather than a whole lifestyle change. I read an interesting blog about the ethics of raising kids in a tiny house, and I really don't think that I can rule out the idea of having more kids in our future, or comprimising their need for space just because I think that tiny houses are so cool. Going with about 100 sq ft per person, were already looking at a not so tiny place for permanent living, not to mention the three dogs!
Still trying to figure out how to get my own pharmacy after graduating without winning the freapin lotto. A couple of weeks ago my bestie mentioned a program that they have in the UK where you can get an ancestry visa if you have a job over there for 2 years. Lately I have been thinking on that a lot, as opposed to a residency. It seems both more interesting and less selfish, although I wonder about finding a job in another country...It's not like Americans are the most impressive bunch, lets be honest, and that is pretty much the link of it all. It really seems like something I will devote some time looking into. I'm still not sure if moving to another country for a year or two is less selfish than moving to another state for a year, but it would be more of a job and less of an academic endeavor, and what an experience. It would be great to learn about pharmacy in another part of the world where practice is different. Just another thing to think about, I suppose.
The house is doing OK. I've been more motivated than ever to cut down on my stuff collections, although I still really like my stuff. I've found that it's easier to get rid of stuff when I can replace 5 or 6 things with one thing that I like a whole lot. Having my friend move in on work-trade was a good idea, she's been able to clean things that I haven't ever cleaned here, like the areas around the kitchen cupboard handles, and my kitchen floor is almost not ugly. Laundry is always done, so are the dishes. Granted, if we lived on multiple floors here this specific part of the house might not always be such a messss, but it might loose some of the cozy factor.
Well, there's an update. I've been thinking a lot, so it's likely that my blog posts will be a little more frequent in the weeks to come. I think I say that every time tho.
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