Organizing these thoughts...

Playing, parenting, work, randomness....

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blogging with pictures...

I've been trying to apply all the lovely feedback I've been getting from the blog hop! It is pretty boring around here without pictures, and that's something I've enjoyed most of the blogs I've checked out with the hop...I have close to a billion pictures on our desktop, but for whatever reason I can't get blogger to properly load on there...So I emailed a couple to myself, and in this post I'm going mess around with the photos...and see how it looks!
Someone LOVES having her picture taken...

Waiting patiently to go play in the snow...Again...

So...Did it work? I also made the layout wider. At least I think. I had it set up for two rows of stuff on the right hand side, but I only actually have one row of stuff...Keep the feedback coming, so helpful!

1 comment:

Feedback is my favorite! Thank you for visiting, tell me what you think :)