Organizing these thoughts...

Playing, parenting, work, randomness....

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Blogging thru my quarter life crisis...

So, I decided on my way home today that I am, actually, having my quarter life crisis. That's right, I plan to live to 108. Or I'm a late bloomer. Or both. :) I thought I bypassed it, we did so much so early, the marriage, the kids, the house, the school choices...But after going back to school last week and really having the hardest time EVER with it, I've decided that must be it. It's not just school, it's a lot of things, adding up.

It's not that I am having regrets, or feel like my life is not going as planned. I'm not unhappy or unsatisfied. Maybe I am just incredibly bored with the day to day of getting up and going to school. This is my 5th year, in a row, of being back in school; Aside from maintaining relationships I do very little for 5 consecutive years. I am bored out of my mind. Routine is just not really my thing, I guess.

I blogged a bit, over the summer. I committed myself to blogging more often, and I did, I just didn't post them all on here. When I went back to do upload them, they were lame or out of date or both.

I still want to be a pharmacist, I just have lost all momentum and desire to go to school. Jon suggested senior-itis, maybe that's it. It is my last year in classes. It's not too challenging academically.

I'm really struggling with how I will practice pharmacy in the long run. I love my job, but I think it's largely because I love where I work, I like being in the community, I like the flexibility, I like working long days and less of them. I don't know if I'd be as satisfied working somewhere else. It's hard to say.

I still love my house, I have about 2 billion things I want to do here. I also want a tiny house, I want to travel.

I think part of it is I'm overdue to leave the states for a bit. My passport expired, and I'm trying to make that make me travel in country more. Thinking of CA in December, for the ASHP conference. Which brings me to residency choices, and limits our family vacation options. Pfff. Maybe it's fitting that I feel I'm having a bit of a crisis. I might as well accept it and try to do something with it, right?

So...I guess that's where I am...

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing. You should be so proud of yourself for everything you juggle.


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