I guess it's time for my quarterly blog post....I'd really like to say, I admire the women I know that can keep up with blogging...Wow...I just...well...can't seem to make it a habit...
So, almost done with another semester of Pharm school! Yay! After tomorrow I will be DONE with pharmacology! One more semester, then it's on to rotations, where my learning can begin....
I'm really excited about my rotations. I've been nervous about getting sites that were over 100 miles away, or really not of my interest, since, well, P1 year. I think that my selection went just fine. The way my school does rotations is weird. We end up with way more than the required number of hours, and although it IS more work, at least it's the sort of work I can learn from. I am fortunate enough to have scored rotations that each satisfy some sort of selfish desire of mine but will also give me a challenge and a really well rounded experience, which is good, cause I've been bored out of my miiiind...
Working has helped a little, I say a little, cause there's really not much happening at my pharmacy in the evenings, just seemingly longer hold times for the occasional ins company call, and housekeeping duties, not really much to challenge my inner pharmacist. I'm excited to be working a couple day shifts over break, and to be able to work during the summer, since I got block 1 off of APPEs. Hopefully this will give me enough intern hours to take part 3 of my boards early, one less thing to worry about...
I've been keeping up my motivation by doing some research, mainly trying to find that perfect residency. I think I finally may have. I am still 100% torn, at this point it is so tempting to just take my job and move on with working, but at the same time I still feel like I want just a little more education, perspective, experience. Maybe APPEs will help me get over it...
Anyways, just making sure my blog doesn't get deleted. Who knows, maybe I will have some time to keep this up over break? It hasn't worked yet...but, maybe?
Organizing these thoughts...
Playing, parenting, work, randomness....
Friday, December 17, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Women in Positions of Prestige and Power
For real.
Ok, so I'm in this elective at school, "Leadership in Pharmacy Practice". I picked this elective because as someone who is thinking of having her own pharmacy, or traveling within the profession, doing research, implementing policy, well-leadership could be useful. Plus, I figured I'd interact with more people in other classes, and work alongside people I don't typically work with. All around, a pretty good idea.
In this elective, we are going to work on a project with a leader in pharmacy in our area. Five local leaders have offered to help us out, including the Director of Pharmacy operations for Wegmans, Director of Pharmacy at URMC, Head of Pharmacy at Excellus BCBS, An owner of 8 local independent pharmacies, and the Dean of our school. They were very interesting Men. Men. Not a single woman. Why? Well, my guess is there just aren't a lot of women leading the profession in my area. This is simply driving me bonkers.
I mean I knew they were all guys. We knew their names. They're big names around town. It wasn't really a surprise. I guess. But it didn't really sink in.
Lately this has been catching me a lot. It's not to say that women don't have positions of power, prestige, and great influence. They do. And it's not a hidden fact that even now men make more than women in a given profession, given the same experience, and same position.
Maybe I just hoped that it would change? Evolve?
Maybe women just don't want it? Maybe we have the opportunities, and just don't take them?
I've never really been excited about power. Or money. Or fame. Actually, all three kind of turn me off a bit, people get caught up in these ideas, and neglect the simple things. That's gross. Maybe this reflection is just me getting too caught up in it?
But it really, really, upset me. Maybe this is irrational. Likely. I'm not known for being rational.
I want to see women doing more. I want to see us grow into this role of equality that we allegedly have. I'm not convinced we have it. I'm not convinced that I personally need it. I'm just having one of those moments, I guess, where I feel like if I don't step up and ask for it no one will. It's like sitting in class, and the teacher is looking for participation. Everyone is doodling, or sleeping, or staring into space. And they are just waiting for someone to offer something. Anything. And I always end up giving in, and offering some lame excuse for an answer. Because the struggle is too much, simple as it is, for me to watch.
Maybe I have to step up and start. I mean, I do a lot. But maybe I need to be more loud about it. Gosh loud women really can drive me nuts. But I don't want my daughters to wish that the women before them did more. And, well, that would be me.
Can I have an impact without having wealth, power, and fame, in the sense that those terms are well known? I feel I set a pretty decent example. Up until now I have been focused on the small picture, the day to day, the family, the community. Can I broaden my focus, and reach out to the mid sized or even big picture, without neglecting what matters to be in my small town, my small home? Is that what has held women back? Or am I missing something else all together? Could be.
Ugh. I dunno. Maybe it's that I can see the light at the end of the school hallway. That things are on the right track at home, that I am being involved, and contributing. I have found my creative outlets, my hobbies, and been able to devote at least some time to all of this while in school. Maybe it's that I need to get the wheels turning on my next venture. Maybe it's that speculating about the big picture is a really good distraction.
Ok, so I'm in this elective at school, "Leadership in Pharmacy Practice". I picked this elective because as someone who is thinking of having her own pharmacy, or traveling within the profession, doing research, implementing policy, well-leadership could be useful. Plus, I figured I'd interact with more people in other classes, and work alongside people I don't typically work with. All around, a pretty good idea.
In this elective, we are going to work on a project with a leader in pharmacy in our area. Five local leaders have offered to help us out, including the Director of Pharmacy operations for Wegmans, Director of Pharmacy at URMC, Head of Pharmacy at Excellus BCBS, An owner of 8 local independent pharmacies, and the Dean of our school. They were very interesting Men. Men. Not a single woman. Why? Well, my guess is there just aren't a lot of women leading the profession in my area. This is simply driving me bonkers.
I mean I knew they were all guys. We knew their names. They're big names around town. It wasn't really a surprise. I guess. But it didn't really sink in.
Lately this has been catching me a lot. It's not to say that women don't have positions of power, prestige, and great influence. They do. And it's not a hidden fact that even now men make more than women in a given profession, given the same experience, and same position.
Maybe I just hoped that it would change? Evolve?
Maybe women just don't want it? Maybe we have the opportunities, and just don't take them?
I've never really been excited about power. Or money. Or fame. Actually, all three kind of turn me off a bit, people get caught up in these ideas, and neglect the simple things. That's gross. Maybe this reflection is just me getting too caught up in it?
But it really, really, upset me. Maybe this is irrational. Likely. I'm not known for being rational.
I want to see women doing more. I want to see us grow into this role of equality that we allegedly have. I'm not convinced we have it. I'm not convinced that I personally need it. I'm just having one of those moments, I guess, where I feel like if I don't step up and ask for it no one will. It's like sitting in class, and the teacher is looking for participation. Everyone is doodling, or sleeping, or staring into space. And they are just waiting for someone to offer something. Anything. And I always end up giving in, and offering some lame excuse for an answer. Because the struggle is too much, simple as it is, for me to watch.
Maybe I have to step up and start. I mean, I do a lot. But maybe I need to be more loud about it. Gosh loud women really can drive me nuts. But I don't want my daughters to wish that the women before them did more. And, well, that would be me.
Can I have an impact without having wealth, power, and fame, in the sense that those terms are well known? I feel I set a pretty decent example. Up until now I have been focused on the small picture, the day to day, the family, the community. Can I broaden my focus, and reach out to the mid sized or even big picture, without neglecting what matters to be in my small town, my small home? Is that what has held women back? Or am I missing something else all together? Could be.
Ugh. I dunno. Maybe it's that I can see the light at the end of the school hallway. That things are on the right track at home, that I am being involved, and contributing. I have found my creative outlets, my hobbies, and been able to devote at least some time to all of this while in school. Maybe it's that I need to get the wheels turning on my next venture. Maybe it's that speculating about the big picture is a really good distraction.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
W-w-where'd September go?

So, it's September 25th! What! I have NO IDEA where this month has gone. For reals.
No doubt about it...School's in full swing. SOAP notes underway, Pro-con debate is done (Oh yeah team awesome! Link to commentary on debate at Ginger's blog (http://gingerforhealthbenefits.blogspot.com/) exciting things happening in virtually all my friend's lives..babies, houses, new jobs, phew. For us, new dog (Bender, above), new old cars, and, it's fall.
So busy yes, happy yes, excited about the rest of fall, mega yes. Pumped that this is the last year in classrooms toomanyhoursaweek? Ultra mega yes.
Still on the tiny house hunt, and spreading tiny house fever. Looked at a few campers in the last month or so, but going with the idea of re-vamping an old pop up starting in the spring. I've been encouraged to find some folks that have pulled off the tiny house thing with kids and whatnot, although I think we are pretty content just using it for road trips and visits, rather than a whole lifestyle change. I read an interesting blog about the ethics of raising kids in a tiny house, and I really don't think that I can rule out the idea of having more kids in our future, or comprimising their need for space just because I think that tiny houses are so cool. Going with about 100 sq ft per person, were already looking at a not so tiny place for permanent living, not to mention the three dogs!
Still trying to figure out how to get my own pharmacy after graduating without winning the freapin lotto. A couple of weeks ago my bestie mentioned a program that they have in the UK where you can get an ancestry visa if you have a job over there for 2 years. Lately I have been thinking on that a lot, as opposed to a residency. It seems both more interesting and less selfish, although I wonder about finding a job in another country...It's not like Americans are the most impressive bunch, lets be honest, and that is pretty much the link of it all. It really seems like something I will devote some time looking into. I'm still not sure if moving to another country for a year or two is less selfish than moving to another state for a year, but it would be more of a job and less of an academic endeavor, and what an experience. It would be great to learn about pharmacy in another part of the world where practice is different. Just another thing to think about, I suppose.
The house is doing OK. I've been more motivated than ever to cut down on my stuff collections, although I still really like my stuff. I've found that it's easier to get rid of stuff when I can replace 5 or 6 things with one thing that I like a whole lot. Having my friend move in on work-trade was a good idea, she's been able to clean things that I haven't ever cleaned here, like the areas around the kitchen cupboard handles, and my kitchen floor is almost not ugly. Laundry is always done, so are the dishes. Granted, if we lived on multiple floors here this specific part of the house might not always be such a messss, but it might loose some of the cozy factor.
Well, there's an update. I've been thinking a lot, so it's likely that my blog posts will be a little more frequent in the weeks to come. I think I say that every time tho.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
After posting one boring reflective post, and one uber cranky soapboxy post, I thought I would post some pics of things that make me absurdly happy.
Family, smiles, cute kids.

Oldtimey works in progress. Family heirlooms. Making old things work again.

Trees. Maine. Good times with good friends.

Hugs All.
Family, smiles, cute kids.
Oldtimey works in progress. Family heirlooms. Making old things work again.

Trees. Maine. Good times with good friends.
Hugs All.
ANOTHER oil rig blast? For reals?
No, really? I mean, isn't the last one still causing issues? And the one before that? What part of maybe this isn't a good idea and we need a new solution isn't clear? If little overwhelmed me can get it....I just...I just don't understand...
Just saying. I can handle my own personal quarter-life crisis, but this is getting out of hand. No. Wait. This has BEEN out of hand.
Are we ready to resolve this as a group yet? Cause I'm getting sick of this. I'm already sick of a lot of things happening in the news lately. I try to keep it at bay, off of the FB, out of the twitter feed. But for freaking reals, already.
Health care crisis? Poverty out of hand. World hunger. Poorly distributed resources, worldwide. Racism? Islamophobia? Sexism? But keep infringing on religious freedom? Oil everywhere?
I am pretty dramatic, I know, but isn't it about time we start really making the effort here? I have been trying, in my own, small, ways. I am incorporating small changes, to work on all these things, in my community. I'm receptive to feedback. I can do more. But I can't do it all.
Something about lots of little changes going a long way? How many people are there in NY? In the US? How many people aren't making their tiny changes? Are here just for the party? Ugh.
Anyways. See ya later soapbox. Just had to get that off my chest.
No, really? I mean, isn't the last one still causing issues? And the one before that? What part of maybe this isn't a good idea and we need a new solution isn't clear? If little overwhelmed me can get it....I just...I just don't understand...
Just saying. I can handle my own personal quarter-life crisis, but this is getting out of hand. No. Wait. This has BEEN out of hand.
Are we ready to resolve this as a group yet? Cause I'm getting sick of this. I'm already sick of a lot of things happening in the news lately. I try to keep it at bay, off of the FB, out of the twitter feed. But for freaking reals, already.
Health care crisis? Poverty out of hand. World hunger. Poorly distributed resources, worldwide. Racism? Islamophobia? Sexism? But keep infringing on religious freedom? Oil everywhere?
I am pretty dramatic, I know, but isn't it about time we start really making the effort here? I have been trying, in my own, small, ways. I am incorporating small changes, to work on all these things, in my community. I'm receptive to feedback. I can do more. But I can't do it all.
Something about lots of little changes going a long way? How many people are there in NY? In the US? How many people aren't making their tiny changes? Are here just for the party? Ugh.
Anyways. See ya later soapbox. Just had to get that off my chest.
major issues,
quarter life crisis
Blogging thru my quarter life crisis...
So, I decided on my way home today that I am, actually, having my quarter life crisis. That's right, I plan to live to 108. Or I'm a late bloomer. Or both. :) I thought I bypassed it, we did so much so early, the marriage, the kids, the house, the school choices...But after going back to school last week and really having the hardest time EVER with it, I've decided that must be it. It's not just school, it's a lot of things, adding up.
It's not that I am having regrets, or feel like my life is not going as planned. I'm not unhappy or unsatisfied. Maybe I am just incredibly bored with the day to day of getting up and going to school. This is my 5th year, in a row, of being back in school; Aside from maintaining relationships I do very little for 5 consecutive years. I am bored out of my mind. Routine is just not really my thing, I guess.
I blogged a bit, over the summer. I committed myself to blogging more often, and I did, I just didn't post them all on here. When I went back to do upload them, they were lame or out of date or both.
I still want to be a pharmacist, I just have lost all momentum and desire to go to school. Jon suggested senior-itis, maybe that's it. It is my last year in classes. It's not too challenging academically.
I'm really struggling with how I will practice pharmacy in the long run. I love my job, but I think it's largely because I love where I work, I like being in the community, I like the flexibility, I like working long days and less of them. I don't know if I'd be as satisfied working somewhere else. It's hard to say.
I still love my house, I have about 2 billion things I want to do here. I also want a tiny house, I want to travel.
I think part of it is I'm overdue to leave the states for a bit. My passport expired, and I'm trying to make that make me travel in country more. Thinking of CA in December, for the ASHP conference. Which brings me to residency choices, and limits our family vacation options. Pfff. Maybe it's fitting that I feel I'm having a bit of a crisis. I might as well accept it and try to do something with it, right?
So...I guess that's where I am...
It's not that I am having regrets, or feel like my life is not going as planned. I'm not unhappy or unsatisfied. Maybe I am just incredibly bored with the day to day of getting up and going to school. This is my 5th year, in a row, of being back in school; Aside from maintaining relationships I do very little for 5 consecutive years. I am bored out of my mind. Routine is just not really my thing, I guess.
I blogged a bit, over the summer. I committed myself to blogging more often, and I did, I just didn't post them all on here. When I went back to do upload them, they were lame or out of date or both.
I still want to be a pharmacist, I just have lost all momentum and desire to go to school. Jon suggested senior-itis, maybe that's it. It is my last year in classes. It's not too challenging academically.
I'm really struggling with how I will practice pharmacy in the long run. I love my job, but I think it's largely because I love where I work, I like being in the community, I like the flexibility, I like working long days and less of them. I don't know if I'd be as satisfied working somewhere else. It's hard to say.
I still love my house, I have about 2 billion things I want to do here. I also want a tiny house, I want to travel.
I think part of it is I'm overdue to leave the states for a bit. My passport expired, and I'm trying to make that make me travel in country more. Thinking of CA in December, for the ASHP conference. Which brings me to residency choices, and limits our family vacation options. Pfff. Maybe it's fitting that I feel I'm having a bit of a crisis. I might as well accept it and try to do something with it, right?
So...I guess that's where I am...
Monday, July 19, 2010
I just got a great idea!
So Jon's folks have one of those old beat up pop up campers that's been closed for a decade....Tiny house? I think so-oooo.
Seriously, I am obsessed. I can't even count the number of times I've picked up magazines or read articles on these small homes. I'm obsessed with storage. Not very good at it, I must admit. But my house is also gigantic. I really am considering applying this tiny house theory to my gigantic house. I mean it's not really that bad when you consider 3 families live here. It's not wasted space. Once I can get the funds together to make the improvements to make it efficient it will make more sense.
I sent Jon a text to ask if we could make a tiny house out of the camper. He didn't respond, yet. Either way it's something fun for me to think about :)
Seriously, I am obsessed. I can't even count the number of times I've picked up magazines or read articles on these small homes. I'm obsessed with storage. Not very good at it, I must admit. But my house is also gigantic. I really am considering applying this tiny house theory to my gigantic house. I mean it's not really that bad when you consider 3 families live here. It's not wasted space. Once I can get the funds together to make the improvements to make it efficient it will make more sense.
I sent Jon a text to ask if we could make a tiny house out of the camper. He didn't respond, yet. Either way it's something fun for me to think about :)
making new things,
tiny houses
Weekends, Mondays, Tiny houses?
This weekend was awesome. So awesome that I'm not entirely bummed out that it's Monday, morning, and my kidneys still hurt.
I played Friday Lazy. I had to recover from my fantastic Thursday night dinner with the in-laws at Taste of Texas BBQ. Outlaw potato=love. And these kidneys, they're driving me insane. Or back. Or whatever it is they figure out is hurting me this week. Went to dinner. Bought last mine pres for last min b-day party in the AM.
Saturday was pretty fine. Jon worked. Aubs had a last minute B-day party. Got veg bag from CSA. Mom came over to help me tidy. Mabel slept for many hours. Jon slept for many hours. B-day party for Besties dad, final hugs before they go back to England till whoknowswhen either they come back or I scrape together the funds for passports and airfare for the fantastic four. Sigh.
Sunday, another pretty fine day. Cookout at the park for friend's bday, with ample veg food :D I have to say, it's so nice to have friends that eat veg food too. Although I have had chicken a couple times this last week. I'm supposed to back of the spinach and soy till they figure out what's up with the kidneys. I just have to find something else I'm excited about. Black beans, most likely :)
So anyways. A weekend of many distractions. Much much needed distractions. I've been anxious about today for over a month now. Custody battle for 5 munchkins is to be decided today. We are, or at least were, part of a family action plan to house said munchkins, and BIL, if he has custody and has to leave the military. No idea if any progress has been made. Just waiting for the call. Meanwhile, we had to take control of the 2bdrm apt upstairs, in the event he has the kids, they will need a place to live. The big odd family strikes again. Now, we wait.
The idea of having a family of 6 move into our apartment has helped to feed my latest (officially as of this weekend) obsession....TINY HOUSES!
Oh. My. Goodness.
I've been stalking them a while. I've been reading blogs, magazines, news articles whenever they come up. Jon saw one on yahoo over the weekend, and suggested a tiny house we could tow pending I opt for out of state residency when school's over (long shot, but it's fun to plan a 1 yr relocation to the midwest :) )
Well, I had this idea. My house, well, it's far from tiny. It's gigantic. Inefficent. Old. I LOVE it. What if we made it tiny homes? Like revamped the apartments, the attic, tiny house style? That'd be sweet. I'm really thinking on it.
We need some major work done first, siding, roof, insulation. I've been having a hard time with these because if I'm paying an arm and a leg I want to be able to do it the way I want. I want it to be efficient. Sustainable. For lack of a better term "green". We are eligible for some grants, but they don't seem to fund the type of work I'd want to have done. So I've been torn. But wouldn't that be fun? I think it'd be sweet.
If your not familiar with the tiny house idea...here's some links and pics...
This is one of the blogs I'm obsessed with:
This is the place that was on yahoo the other day
Anyways, back to cleaning. Long and random, but that's what I've got.
I played Friday Lazy. I had to recover from my fantastic Thursday night dinner with the in-laws at Taste of Texas BBQ. Outlaw potato=love. And these kidneys, they're driving me insane. Or back. Or whatever it is they figure out is hurting me this week. Went to dinner. Bought last mine pres for last min b-day party in the AM.
Saturday was pretty fine. Jon worked. Aubs had a last minute B-day party. Got veg bag from CSA. Mom came over to help me tidy. Mabel slept for many hours. Jon slept for many hours. B-day party for Besties dad, final hugs before they go back to England till whoknowswhen either they come back or I scrape together the funds for passports and airfare for the fantastic four. Sigh.
Sunday, another pretty fine day. Cookout at the park for friend's bday, with ample veg food :D I have to say, it's so nice to have friends that eat veg food too. Although I have had chicken a couple times this last week. I'm supposed to back of the spinach and soy till they figure out what's up with the kidneys. I just have to find something else I'm excited about. Black beans, most likely :)
So anyways. A weekend of many distractions. Much much needed distractions. I've been anxious about today for over a month now. Custody battle for 5 munchkins is to be decided today. We are, or at least were, part of a family action plan to house said munchkins, and BIL, if he has custody and has to leave the military. No idea if any progress has been made. Just waiting for the call. Meanwhile, we had to take control of the 2bdrm apt upstairs, in the event he has the kids, they will need a place to live. The big odd family strikes again. Now, we wait.
The idea of having a family of 6 move into our apartment has helped to feed my latest (officially as of this weekend) obsession....TINY HOUSES!
Oh. My. Goodness.
I've been stalking them a while. I've been reading blogs, magazines, news articles whenever they come up. Jon saw one on yahoo over the weekend, and suggested a tiny house we could tow pending I opt for out of state residency when school's over (long shot, but it's fun to plan a 1 yr relocation to the midwest :) )
Well, I had this idea. My house, well, it's far from tiny. It's gigantic. Inefficent. Old. I LOVE it. What if we made it tiny homes? Like revamped the apartments, the attic, tiny house style? That'd be sweet. I'm really thinking on it.
We need some major work done first, siding, roof, insulation. I've been having a hard time with these because if I'm paying an arm and a leg I want to be able to do it the way I want. I want it to be efficient. Sustainable. For lack of a better term "green". We are eligible for some grants, but they don't seem to fund the type of work I'd want to have done. So I've been torn. But wouldn't that be fun? I think it'd be sweet.
If your not familiar with the tiny house idea...here's some links and pics...
This is one of the blogs I'm obsessed with:
This is the place that was on yahoo the other day
Anyways, back to cleaning. Long and random, but that's what I've got.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Monday, Mondayyy
I would love to have Mondays off, forever. It really makes the week much more awesome.
This has been a good day, so far.
I am on day 3 of trying new back meds. Man, as ironic as it is, I hate meds. I hate that the solution is taking meds until they can get me into the chiro and back in water therapy. But I decided that I hate not being able to move and play and run around more than I hate meds, so I've been choking them down. I'm a little less like a space cadet today. Which is good. I was able to run a pile of errands with the wee one without having to take a break before getting her in and out of the car. I even got to wear her on my back to drop Aubs off to the camp bus this morning.
We cleaned, ran our errands. I am stoked that the small grocery store carries most of what we need for our day to day now. Of course, life is easier when I can just wash diapers at home, and give Mabel the food from the farm. I think in the last few months we really have reduced our shopping spending dramatically, just by making some really small changes.
I made the most yum casserole today. Zukes and summer squashes baked in cheesey creamy goodness. I am loving not eating meat again. I'm so much better at cooking veggies than dead things. My stomach feels a million times better, which is good especially with these new hard on my tum meds. So far we've used most of our farm goods before they go bad, which is quite the task. I used 8 zukes and 3 squashes today, so far!! It helps that my kids like all that strange stuff, like beets and squashes and bok choy. Although eating this casserole is making it harder to resist a nap!
Thinking about starting some pot-luck dinners up.
This likely concludes my fun portion of Monday. Finishing laundry and dishes and then off to traffic court :(
This has been a good day, so far.
I am on day 3 of trying new back meds. Man, as ironic as it is, I hate meds. I hate that the solution is taking meds until they can get me into the chiro and back in water therapy. But I decided that I hate not being able to move and play and run around more than I hate meds, so I've been choking them down. I'm a little less like a space cadet today. Which is good. I was able to run a pile of errands with the wee one without having to take a break before getting her in and out of the car. I even got to wear her on my back to drop Aubs off to the camp bus this morning.
We cleaned, ran our errands. I am stoked that the small grocery store carries most of what we need for our day to day now. Of course, life is easier when I can just wash diapers at home, and give Mabel the food from the farm. I think in the last few months we really have reduced our shopping spending dramatically, just by making some really small changes.
I made the most yum casserole today. Zukes and summer squashes baked in cheesey creamy goodness. I am loving not eating meat again. I'm so much better at cooking veggies than dead things. My stomach feels a million times better, which is good especially with these new hard on my tum meds. So far we've used most of our farm goods before they go bad, which is quite the task. I used 8 zukes and 3 squashes today, so far!! It helps that my kids like all that strange stuff, like beets and squashes and bok choy. Although eating this casserole is making it harder to resist a nap!
Thinking about starting some pot-luck dinners up.
This likely concludes my fun portion of Monday. Finishing laundry and dishes and then off to traffic court :(
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Pharmacy Dreams
It's been a lazy Saturday here. Right now, the husband is sleeping on the couch, the babes is sleeping in her crib, the biggirl is reading books, and I'm just kinda sitting. I have a pile of cleaning to do, but that can wait. I just spent the last half hour researching and dreaming.
See, I have a lot of gigantic ideas about what my future holds, and what I want to do in pharmacy. I think that with 2 years of school left to go, its about time to really dig my heels in and start finidng the people I need to make things happen when I'm done.
I'm really frustrated by the state of the pharmacy profession, in general. A lot of things that have to do with the policy and the process and the way we operate here in the states really have been getting to me.
I'd like to see pharmacists helping more. I hate hearing about people taking more medicine as job security. Like it's a good thing, that people are sick and take pills. As if the pills will just fix it all, just like that. Sure, there are situations, diseases, circumstances where that might be a big chunk of the puzzle. But generally speaking? It just makes me go insane.
It's true though. The job security bit. Since so many pharmacies, retail and hospital alike, reimbursement, payment, staying a float, it's all about the numbers. I really don't give a rats ass about the numbers. If I can't work, because no one needs medicine, then I will find another way to pay my loans. I'd rather help enable people to take better care of themselves, treat their bodies better, know why they are taking what they are taking, and what other options there are. I'm not spending all this time in school to count by 5's and work on my carpal tunnel and varicose veins. And if there is no place where I can practice pharmacy at this level, then I'm going to have to create it myself. I appreciate that doctors want to prescribe and people want to take things to get better, I appreciate that we all want it to be fast and easy. But it just seems so silly.
See, I have a lot of gigantic ideas about what my future holds, and what I want to do in pharmacy. I think that with 2 years of school left to go, its about time to really dig my heels in and start finidng the people I need to make things happen when I'm done.
I'm really frustrated by the state of the pharmacy profession, in general. A lot of things that have to do with the policy and the process and the way we operate here in the states really have been getting to me.
I'd like to see pharmacists helping more. I hate hearing about people taking more medicine as job security. Like it's a good thing, that people are sick and take pills. As if the pills will just fix it all, just like that. Sure, there are situations, diseases, circumstances where that might be a big chunk of the puzzle. But generally speaking? It just makes me go insane.
It's true though. The job security bit. Since so many pharmacies, retail and hospital alike, reimbursement, payment, staying a float, it's all about the numbers. I really don't give a rats ass about the numbers. If I can't work, because no one needs medicine, then I will find another way to pay my loans. I'd rather help enable people to take better care of themselves, treat their bodies better, know why they are taking what they are taking, and what other options there are. I'm not spending all this time in school to count by 5's and work on my carpal tunnel and varicose veins. And if there is no place where I can practice pharmacy at this level, then I'm going to have to create it myself. I appreciate that doctors want to prescribe and people want to take things to get better, I appreciate that we all want it to be fast and easy. But it just seems so silly.
pharmacy practice,
pharmacy school,
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Finally, summer.
Rotation went well, the hospital was a little on the quiet side, but a good place for me to get my feet wet. I could use some more experience with sterile compounding before the boards, for sure. The drive was lovely, really, so much better than the highway. And, I got to do my presentation on treating rattlesnake bites. Not many practice settings around here would that actually be applicable...
The last week of the rotation was a bit rough, scrambling to get my assignments done, combined with Jon's grandpas passing, Mabel's birthday festivities, and visiting with out of towners. This of course would have been a lot easier to manage if the school was willing to accommodate life, as it happens, outside of school. I think I've ranted about that enough. The lack of flexibility in this program doesn't help to prepare us for the real world, but just limit us in the present. Bah.
My boss <3 was kind enough to give me Monday and Tuesday off to reattach my head before working 11 hour days the rest of the week. Getting some of that stuff done around the house, finishing up my defensive driving course online (Thank you Mr. Trooper, UGH) and resting up. Walks, leisure reading, lots of music. Breakfast with the kiddos, evening strolls with Tina. I hope that I can work out a 3 long day schedule for the rest of summer, I might be able to get a thing or two done. The gardens could use some help. Thinking about the crazy things I have put myself up to the rest of this summer, wondering which ones will pan out (can't post it online till all is said and done, ugh)....
Just got on blogger to check the CSA's blog, to see when the 2010 season starts (soon! so excited) On my summer lettuce kick, and this junk from wegmans is a good effort, but not quite summer tasty.
In other news, in addition to all the possible projects around the house, I'm considering vegetarianism again...Over the last month I imposed a no meat I have to pick off bones rule, and the more I think of it the more I'm not interested in eating cute things. Lisa (Check out her blog WaitingLisa) has inspired me with her meatless monday posts, and another friend just posted yesterday that she's going vegan. With farm season starting, it's a good time to change. Plus, it'll get me cooking more, which feels good right about now (although I'm not the best, my veggie dishes are always better than my attempts at meat!).
And, my little brother and my bestey are going to be in town over the summer!
And, Jordan at Greg'ry's hooked me up with some more brownie crust today! Reminder as to why I love the small town life.
Anyways, as usual, it's a lot of strange stuff for one post. But that's pretty much how it is around here. Off to retrieve Mabel from the tupperware mound, and get some more laundry going.
Rotation went well, the hospital was a little on the quiet side, but a good place for me to get my feet wet. I could use some more experience with sterile compounding before the boards, for sure. The drive was lovely, really, so much better than the highway. And, I got to do my presentation on treating rattlesnake bites. Not many practice settings around here would that actually be applicable...
The last week of the rotation was a bit rough, scrambling to get my assignments done, combined with Jon's grandpas passing, Mabel's birthday festivities, and visiting with out of towners. This of course would have been a lot easier to manage if the school was willing to accommodate life, as it happens, outside of school. I think I've ranted about that enough. The lack of flexibility in this program doesn't help to prepare us for the real world, but just limit us in the present. Bah.
My boss <3 was kind enough to give me Monday and Tuesday off to reattach my head before working 11 hour days the rest of the week. Getting some of that stuff done around the house, finishing up my defensive driving course online (Thank you Mr. Trooper, UGH) and resting up. Walks, leisure reading, lots of music. Breakfast with the kiddos, evening strolls with Tina. I hope that I can work out a 3 long day schedule for the rest of summer, I might be able to get a thing or two done. The gardens could use some help. Thinking about the crazy things I have put myself up to the rest of this summer, wondering which ones will pan out (can't post it online till all is said and done, ugh)....
Just got on blogger to check the CSA's blog, to see when the 2010 season starts (soon! so excited) On my summer lettuce kick, and this junk from wegmans is a good effort, but not quite summer tasty.
In other news, in addition to all the possible projects around the house, I'm considering vegetarianism again...Over the last month I imposed a no meat I have to pick off bones rule, and the more I think of it the more I'm not interested in eating cute things. Lisa (Check out her blog WaitingLisa) has inspired me with her meatless monday posts, and another friend just posted yesterday that she's going vegan. With farm season starting, it's a good time to change. Plus, it'll get me cooking more, which feels good right about now (although I'm not the best, my veggie dishes are always better than my attempts at meat!).
And, my little brother and my bestey are going to be in town over the summer!
And, Jordan at Greg'ry's hooked me up with some more brownie crust today! Reminder as to why I love the small town life.
Anyways, as usual, it's a lot of strange stuff for one post. But that's pretty much how it is around here. Off to retrieve Mabel from the tupperware mound, and get some more laundry going.
pharmacy school,
small town,
Friday, May 14, 2010
Most amazing station mix on pandora yet, for cleaning and studying and the like...
Type: Jason Mraz, Ani Difranco, Bob Dylan and Janis Joplin
Love it!
Type: Jason Mraz, Ani Difranco, Bob Dylan and Janis Joplin
Love it!
I like do nothing days
Next Monday, I start my IPPE2 Rotation at a relatively rural hospital pharmacy. I'm half excited, half just wanting to keep on chillin at home. Don't get me wrong, I've done a lot this week. And it's not that I don't want to learn about hospital pharmacy, it's interesting. It's just the commitment of having to do something, I think, that I don't like. This semester was ROUGH. It was enough just to get through it all, academically, and with all the changes at home and such.
New tenants, new job for Jon, new childcare arrangements, it all just makes my head spin again. I guess maybe I needed more than a week to recover?
Had a diner breakfast date today with the a Mabester and my friend Emily, it was nice. Came home, tidy-ed a bit. Tried to catch up on some emails (gosh I have such a short attention span for cleaning my in-box...) locate some of the paperwork I need for the hospital...Plotting a post dishes-nap bike ride for this afternoon, or whenever the sky looks convincing. It's just nice. Is this what being independently wealthy is like? Shoot, I'll take independently poor and embrace my free time! Pesky bills and such.
Found out this week that the hours for my summer intern program changed, not sure if I'll be able to get as many as I initially planned. So in addition to getting paid drastically less than the other interns at my company, my hours seem a bit in question. On one hand, it would have been nice to know so I could have planned a little differently. On the other hand, I don't think it changes much. Luckily I love my job and the people I work with, and the community I work in. It's disappointing, but the outcome is the same.
I find that times like this have me considering all the what ifs, if I had gone a different direction when I decided to go back to school. Thailand has come up a lot. So have other, more random things, like being a florist, or ethnomusicologist. Or just a homebody. I've been listening to a lot more music. Picking out random people to follow on twitter, or blogs, some pharmacy people, some people doing other things I have considered, that I have come across randomly over the years. I'm still happy with my experiences, sure, it's just interesting to consider. :)
New tenants, new job for Jon, new childcare arrangements, it all just makes my head spin again. I guess maybe I needed more than a week to recover?
Had a diner breakfast date today with the a Mabester and my friend Emily, it was nice. Came home, tidy-ed a bit. Tried to catch up on some emails (gosh I have such a short attention span for cleaning my in-box...) locate some of the paperwork I need for the hospital...Plotting a post dishes-nap bike ride for this afternoon, or whenever the sky looks convincing. It's just nice. Is this what being independently wealthy is like? Shoot, I'll take independently poor and embrace my free time! Pesky bills and such.
Found out this week that the hours for my summer intern program changed, not sure if I'll be able to get as many as I initially planned. So in addition to getting paid drastically less than the other interns at my company, my hours seem a bit in question. On one hand, it would have been nice to know so I could have planned a little differently. On the other hand, I don't think it changes much. Luckily I love my job and the people I work with, and the community I work in. It's disappointing, but the outcome is the same.
I find that times like this have me considering all the what ifs, if I had gone a different direction when I decided to go back to school. Thailand has come up a lot. So have other, more random things, like being a florist, or ethnomusicologist. Or just a homebody. I've been listening to a lot more music. Picking out random people to follow on twitter, or blogs, some pharmacy people, some people doing other things I have considered, that I have come across randomly over the years. I'm still happy with my experiences, sure, it's just interesting to consider. :)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
No more pencils, no more books....and my Mom is awesome.
Yesterday my mom came over an hour early so I could study at school, which I clearly needed after the night.
Then after she worked and I was running home to change for work she brought Mabel over so I could have a midday squeeze and a grown up hug from someone that was proud of me.
And now it's day one of summer break, well, till my IPPE 2 rotation starts on the 17th. I only work weds and thursday next week, good thing the weekend is booked with birthdays or I'd be tempted to skip town....
Then after she worked and I was running home to change for work she brought Mabel over so I could have a midday squeeze and a grown up hug from someone that was proud of me.
And now it's day one of summer break, well, till my IPPE 2 rotation starts on the 17th. I only work weds and thursday next week, good thing the weekend is booked with birthdays or I'd be tempted to skip town....
Last rant of the semester...
OK. Going to attempt two posts today, one to tie up the end of the semester, and one to start the psuedo summer break :)
Last final was yesterday. Yeah, here's the rant.
So, I don't really study as much as my school counterparts. I could make more time for it, I guess, but I'd much rather make time for more fun things. I found that a good nights sleep, and a couple hours to wake up and get in the test mindset makes it as painless as possible.
I've heard all these rumors that the P2 year is the worst, and it's the one I finished up yesterday, at least I hope. I knew the exam was going to be rough, so I collected my relevant packets and readings and planned on flipping thru 'em a little at a time. I missed a lecture on reading EKGs and bradyarrythmias when I was at legislative day in Albany, so I had to figure all that nonsense out as well. Being badly burned by the arrhythmia section on the last exam, I wanted to make sure I could knock out at least one section on the test.
I don't know why I think I can get anything done in the house. Jon has about a million projects to do, and there's so many distractions. Even if I can convince myself not to play with the girls or dogs or bust out something crafty, there's people and dogs and cars and trains....
I figured that getting up at 4, and taking my time to read through the material would help. I could listen to the lecture, reference my book, sort out the packets. I went to bed early, was asleep by ten, so I could get my 6 hours. But, as always, life has different plans. So after spending from about three till about four soothing a screaming babe, studying was not on my radar. I had to go to sleep, cause after school was work, and well, I have to make sure people don't die at work, so I need to be awake for that too.
Needless to say, It didn't go as planned. I'll leave it at that.
Last final was yesterday. Yeah, here's the rant.
So, I don't really study as much as my school counterparts. I could make more time for it, I guess, but I'd much rather make time for more fun things. I found that a good nights sleep, and a couple hours to wake up and get in the test mindset makes it as painless as possible.
I've heard all these rumors that the P2 year is the worst, and it's the one I finished up yesterday, at least I hope. I knew the exam was going to be rough, so I collected my relevant packets and readings and planned on flipping thru 'em a little at a time. I missed a lecture on reading EKGs and bradyarrythmias when I was at legislative day in Albany, so I had to figure all that nonsense out as well. Being badly burned by the arrhythmia section on the last exam, I wanted to make sure I could knock out at least one section on the test.
I don't know why I think I can get anything done in the house. Jon has about a million projects to do, and there's so many distractions. Even if I can convince myself not to play with the girls or dogs or bust out something crafty, there's people and dogs and cars and trains....
I figured that getting up at 4, and taking my time to read through the material would help. I could listen to the lecture, reference my book, sort out the packets. I went to bed early, was asleep by ten, so I could get my 6 hours. But, as always, life has different plans. So after spending from about three till about four soothing a screaming babe, studying was not on my radar. I had to go to sleep, cause after school was work, and well, I have to make sure people don't die at work, so I need to be awake for that too.
Needless to say, It didn't go as planned. I'll leave it at that.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Ok. Finally. Dusting it off.
Well, I had intentions of getting back into the blogging a couple of weeks ago. Clearly, it was just intentions...hahahaha...Ooooh man...But, having reached a point where my "done" list for the semester is about the same length as my "to do" list, I figured now works. Hopefully my 2 or 3 followers aren't expecting much :) SO...in summary...
School: Well, just under a month left. Spent this past Tuesday on a bus to Albany advocating for the profession (Sticking to that was quite the task, mind you. Much advocating to be done these days) and the remainder of the week trying to guilt myself into studying for yesterdays P&T exam. Which, by the way, never seems to work out (intentions again, I suppose). There's just so much else to do. Turns out the exam was near impossible anyways, with questions that really could have been answered only by actually memorizing some charts we were handed. I mean, really folks? It's ok. I can accept that. I can also accept my choice not to spend my time on that. I am completely confident in my ability to look up that information efficiently and apply it when needed. As I said, it didn't really seem to make a difference. The kids in class that skipped Albany day and all of the rest of the days classes leading up to the exam had more negative things to say about it than I did.
Family: Mabel's been sick for the better part of a week, finally getting over a cold and her teeth are about to bust through. Poor kiddo's gotten at least 4 teeth in the last month, looks like a couple more are coming through in the next week. I do not envy her position one bit. She's been a pretty good sport. And, words are forming. Well, sounds with meaning, at the least. Sure, Jon's been getting the AhDa and DaDa for a couple weeks now, but this past week I got the MaDa a couple times. Cute. We also have Up and Ba. And she hisses at Auburn sometimes. It's totally OK if she holds off on that whole forming big words thing for a while though. And the walking thing. Although I know that is getting close. Goodness the munchkin jumped so hard in her pack n play that she busted the board in the bottom. Gotta love it. Like Auburn, I imagine she will wait till her legs are strong enough to just run. Auburn is living it up, got a new bike, we've been taking LOTS of bike rides! Which is good, cause she's about the only bike rider I can keep up with. Her room is clean cause I hired it out to a friend who needed work..but that was a week ago and it's still tidy, so that's pretty good for seven. Jon is working. Goooodness I miss having a house husband, although it is nice to be able to pay the bills. And, we'll even have health insurance. And, most importantly, he doesn't hate his job. They treat him nice. All you can ask for really.
Work: I am so lucky that my boss gets how important my time is to me, and lets me work when I can during school. Waiting to hear on when the intern program starts up this year, so I can work more hours. Heavily debating on if I want to actively pursue getting enough hours together so that I can take my part 3 early. That's the compounding/wet lab portion of the boards that NY makes us do. The thing is, if I take it and for whatever reason don't pass, I have to take it again to get my license. Whereas, if I get a residency either in or out of state, and then come back to NY never having failed the part 3, I can get my license without having to take the part 3. I think I might just apply to the residencies that I want and take what I get, and if I don't get one I still have time to sign up for the part 3. I think. Haahahaha. Well, a year to tease out the details, I guess. Either way, I'm thankful to have a job I like.
House: The apartments are rented out, and nothing *knock on wood* is broken right now! I have a purple dining room (good choice) and a new mattress (not so good choice, so hard to get up) and I'm gearing up for some maaaaajor yardwork and cleaning. Discovered that birds can access my attic last weekend, I would have thought if they were up there often they would have annoyed the who out of the tenants by now, I think the attic is more their hang out than home, and I think I may have blocked off their access. I hope, anyways. Some minor house things to do still. Oh, and I guess I ought to finish painting the living room at some point. It's not a bad shade of whiteish, but, it's a shade of whiteish. But, having a too colorful living room might be overkill with the furniture, and color combos I have in the other rooms. Plus, I like that you can still experience the textured wallpaper underneath it! Yes, I painted over wallpaper, but, since I hardly have time to paint in there, I think replastering or drywalling was a little bit of a stretch.
In laws?: I won't be posting on the in-laws here, at least, for the time being. Not that they read this, or what I would type would be a slam or dig or without evidence or due cause. Infact I think that there are MANY lessons that can be learned from this, from a relationship and communication stand point, and I would love to share those. Just haven't figured out a way to do that yet. Keeping them out of my posts, updates, and all else in a last ditch effort to save at least the formal relationship for the kids. I will say though, that conflicts cannot be resolved, generally, without open dialogue, respect, and a willingness to admit your own mistakes. And I will say, that it has been really difficult, for all of us. And I will say, I broke my rule and gave out more than 3 chances for resolution. So, now it's back to wait and see. Sigh. I'm so stubborn sometimes.
Other randomness: Other things the past while has included, which will likely get their own posts as time provides: A 10+ hour road tip to Rangeley, ME with the peanut and the women of the Coleman clan, earring making experiments with Auburn, my proposed WSOP dress code challenge for next year (cowboy shirts only), curling (yes, curling!), a springtime dirt road ride to Maple syrup in the scooby, and lots of thoughts sent towards how on earth I might think I will ever find my place in the realm of pharmacy practice. I lost 20 pounds in the boot camp challenge, and kept it off (so far) despite not going to the gym since. I got my 2nd choice for my summer rotation. I'm excited about springtime. And so on. Mostly good things. :)
I think that about sums it up.
School: Well, just under a month left. Spent this past Tuesday on a bus to Albany advocating for the profession (Sticking to that was quite the task, mind you. Much advocating to be done these days) and the remainder of the week trying to guilt myself into studying for yesterdays P&T exam. Which, by the way, never seems to work out (intentions again, I suppose). There's just so much else to do. Turns out the exam was near impossible anyways, with questions that really could have been answered only by actually memorizing some charts we were handed. I mean, really folks? It's ok. I can accept that. I can also accept my choice not to spend my time on that. I am completely confident in my ability to look up that information efficiently and apply it when needed. As I said, it didn't really seem to make a difference. The kids in class that skipped Albany day and all of the rest of the days classes leading up to the exam had more negative things to say about it than I did.
Family: Mabel's been sick for the better part of a week, finally getting over a cold and her teeth are about to bust through. Poor kiddo's gotten at least 4 teeth in the last month, looks like a couple more are coming through in the next week. I do not envy her position one bit. She's been a pretty good sport. And, words are forming. Well, sounds with meaning, at the least. Sure, Jon's been getting the AhDa and DaDa for a couple weeks now, but this past week I got the MaDa a couple times. Cute. We also have Up and Ba. And she hisses at Auburn sometimes. It's totally OK if she holds off on that whole forming big words thing for a while though. And the walking thing. Although I know that is getting close. Goodness the munchkin jumped so hard in her pack n play that she busted the board in the bottom. Gotta love it. Like Auburn, I imagine she will wait till her legs are strong enough to just run. Auburn is living it up, got a new bike, we've been taking LOTS of bike rides! Which is good, cause she's about the only bike rider I can keep up with. Her room is clean cause I hired it out to a friend who needed work..but that was a week ago and it's still tidy, so that's pretty good for seven. Jon is working. Goooodness I miss having a house husband, although it is nice to be able to pay the bills. And, we'll even have health insurance. And, most importantly, he doesn't hate his job. They treat him nice. All you can ask for really.
Work: I am so lucky that my boss gets how important my time is to me, and lets me work when I can during school. Waiting to hear on when the intern program starts up this year, so I can work more hours. Heavily debating on if I want to actively pursue getting enough hours together so that I can take my part 3 early. That's the compounding/wet lab portion of the boards that NY makes us do. The thing is, if I take it and for whatever reason don't pass, I have to take it again to get my license. Whereas, if I get a residency either in or out of state, and then come back to NY never having failed the part 3, I can get my license without having to take the part 3. I think I might just apply to the residencies that I want and take what I get, and if I don't get one I still have time to sign up for the part 3. I think. Haahahaha. Well, a year to tease out the details, I guess. Either way, I'm thankful to have a job I like.
House: The apartments are rented out, and nothing *knock on wood* is broken right now! I have a purple dining room (good choice) and a new mattress (not so good choice, so hard to get up) and I'm gearing up for some maaaaajor yardwork and cleaning. Discovered that birds can access my attic last weekend, I would have thought if they were up there often they would have annoyed the who out of the tenants by now, I think the attic is more their hang out than home, and I think I may have blocked off their access. I hope, anyways. Some minor house things to do still. Oh, and I guess I ought to finish painting the living room at some point. It's not a bad shade of whiteish, but, it's a shade of whiteish. But, having a too colorful living room might be overkill with the furniture, and color combos I have in the other rooms. Plus, I like that you can still experience the textured wallpaper underneath it! Yes, I painted over wallpaper, but, since I hardly have time to paint in there, I think replastering or drywalling was a little bit of a stretch.
In laws?: I won't be posting on the in-laws here, at least, for the time being. Not that they read this, or what I would type would be a slam or dig or without evidence or due cause. Infact I think that there are MANY lessons that can be learned from this, from a relationship and communication stand point, and I would love to share those. Just haven't figured out a way to do that yet. Keeping them out of my posts, updates, and all else in a last ditch effort to save at least the formal relationship for the kids. I will say though, that conflicts cannot be resolved, generally, without open dialogue, respect, and a willingness to admit your own mistakes. And I will say, that it has been really difficult, for all of us. And I will say, I broke my rule and gave out more than 3 chances for resolution. So, now it's back to wait and see. Sigh. I'm so stubborn sometimes.
Other randomness: Other things the past while has included, which will likely get their own posts as time provides: A 10+ hour road tip to Rangeley, ME with the peanut and the women of the Coleman clan, earring making experiments with Auburn, my proposed WSOP dress code challenge for next year (cowboy shirts only), curling (yes, curling!), a springtime dirt road ride to Maple syrup in the scooby, and lots of thoughts sent towards how on earth I might think I will ever find my place in the realm of pharmacy practice. I lost 20 pounds in the boot camp challenge, and kept it off (so far) despite not going to the gym since. I got my 2nd choice for my summer rotation. I'm excited about springtime. And so on. Mostly good things. :)
I think that about sums it up.
pharmacy school,
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Dusting off the blog...
I suppose it's about time for me to think about blogging actively again...Not today, but soon.
It's been a crazy few months, but there is some significant drama that I could use to vent about, and well I've really taken on a ton so far this semester, which might be of interest to some of the pharmacy kids out there.
Found out this fall that one of the P1s at school is pulling a Colleen and having a baby this summer! Best of luck to her. But really, if I can do it, anyone can :)
So basically, in the past couple of months, I've been in school, working, remodeled another apartment, gone through a couple of dining room paint colors....I joined the professional fraternity on campus, entered a boot camp weight loss competition, and managed to make my in laws so mad at us that it's been a silent few months!
And really, I think that's probably not the half of it.
So I guess I'll start filling in the details soon. I'm setting a blog once a week goal for the rest of the semester. We will see what happens I suppose!
But for now, diner breakfast is calling my name.
It's been a crazy few months, but there is some significant drama that I could use to vent about, and well I've really taken on a ton so far this semester, which might be of interest to some of the pharmacy kids out there.
Found out this fall that one of the P1s at school is pulling a Colleen and having a baby this summer! Best of luck to her. But really, if I can do it, anyone can :)
So basically, in the past couple of months, I've been in school, working, remodeled another apartment, gone through a couple of dining room paint colors....I joined the professional fraternity on campus, entered a boot camp weight loss competition, and managed to make my in laws so mad at us that it's been a silent few months!
And really, I think that's probably not the half of it.
So I guess I'll start filling in the details soon. I'm setting a blog once a week goal for the rest of the semester. We will see what happens I suppose!
But for now, diner breakfast is calling my name.
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